Tafseer e Namoona is one of the most famous interpretations of the Holy Quran available today. It was compiled over a period of more than 15 years by a team of scholars under the guidance of Grand Ayatullah Naser Makarem Shirazi.
Quran is a book of life, therefore, instead of literary and philosophical interpretation of the verses and other issues, the main focus of this Tafseer is to address issues that relate to personal as well as social life of individuals.
For better understanding of common person, the interpretation model has been formulated in a simple language whilst comprehensively addressing literary, spiritual, social and ethical issues discussed in the Quran. Complex terminologies, which may limit its use to scholars are avoided except where necessary. For this reason, Tafseer e Namoona is considered as one of the most literary and easily understandable tafseer available out there.
Missing tafaseer and spelling mistakes are fixed for Surah 1,2,34-114.